

Gloria Violin Knows How to Play Retirement

2021-12-15T11:10:07-08:00July 7th, 2016|Blog|

Passion and purpose go a long way toward creating a fulfilling retirement. They’re important pieces in making life’s newest chapter rewarding, but finding them is often a challenge. Professional retirement coach, seminar leader and speaker Gloria Dunn-Violin assists people in making the transition from work to retirement."

The Power of Purpose After Retirement

2021-12-15T11:19:57-08:00March 30th, 2016|Blog|

North Bay BIZ Magazine By Gloria Dunn-Violin March 30, 2016 How do we invigorate our lives after retirement? What do we do to replace the many hours we spent building careers and nourishing relationships at work and in related activities? How do we interact with family and friends now that we have too many hours to fill? Discovering your personal purpose will direct you to a fulfilling and [...]

Born at 50: Reinvent Your Life

2021-12-15T11:35:48-08:00September 30th, 2015|Blog|

Imagine being born at 50 years of age. Here you are with all the experience, wisdom, and skills that you’ve acquired the first half of your life. Now it’s time to use them. Welcome to the new retirement. Whatever your age, it’s time to enjoy all you’ve accomplished throughout your life. It is also time to put in place those things you didn’t have time [...]

Negative Thoughts Impact Our Lives Adversely

2021-12-15T11:39:45-08:00August 7th, 2015|Blog|

“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. Robert H. Schuller, Televangelist   As we get older, we need to be kinder to ourselves. We’ve traversed a good portion of our lives with wonderful and hurtful happenings. Sometimes we’ve risen above them, and sometimes we’ve fallen down. But, here we are [...]

Improve Your Memory—Keep Your Brain Working

2021-12-15T11:41:48-08:00August 7th, 2015|Blog|

Memory loss is one of the top fears people have as they age. It is one of the normal signs of aging, and does not mean we’ve lost the battle to dementia. There are several ways to keep our brains active and sharp. One of the key components of a memory-saving program is to keep the rest of your body healthy. Many medical conditions—from heart [...]

How to Prepare Yourself to Stay on Top of Your Finances

2015-07-09T10:54:46-07:00July 9th, 2015|Blog|

  The 21st Century has graced us with innumerable inventions, healthcare advances, and other practices that will keep us living much longer and healthier lives. At the same time, most of us fear that because of these new achievements, our lives will outlast our financial resources, and we will become destitute. How are we going to keep ourselves housed, fed and enjoying life for 30 [...]

How to Reignite Passion for Your Job While Preparing for Retirement

2015-07-09T10:20:45-07:00July 9th, 2015|Blog|

  Hang in there, you tell yourself. Just two more years and I can retire. In the meantime, you dread showing up for work because you’ve come to hate your job. How can you stay when you want to go away? So many unhappy scenarios play out when we stay in jobs and work environments that no longer fit. They drain our talents, starve our [...]

Should You Move After You Retire?

2015-06-03T22:16:37-07:00June 3rd, 2015|Blog|

Are you worried about whether to move or to stay in your present home after you retire? Are you thinking about downsizing, moving to a retirement community, or moving to a less expensive location? You probably have many questions about housing, but wonder where to find the answers.   Bruce Wrisley, author of The Senior Homeowner’s House Dilemma, Stay or Move, provides excellent answers to [...]

Divorce with Dignity After Retirement

2015-06-03T21:29:49-07:00June 3rd, 2015|Blog|

As many couples reach retirement age, their lives begin to unravel. All the reasons they stayed together through the years no longer seem relevant. They have grown in different directions, become more worldly, more knowledgeable, and self-aware. They are no longer the people they were when they were younger. Now they know themselves better, and want to explore a new world and have new experiences. [...]

What Will Retirement Look Like Now That I’m Divorced?

2021-12-15T11:49:31-08:00May 1st, 2015|Blog|

January 29, 2015 by Cindy Elwell Retirement. You may have been planning it for years, working out how you and your spouse will manage it financially and how you’ll be spending your more abundant free time together. You’re nearing retirement age when all of a sudden you find yourself going through divorce, and all your plans and dreams are shattered. What do you do now? Gloria Dunn-Violin, [...]

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